Saturday, 27 June 2015


In God we all live and move and have our being.

We must all come to the perception that He is not a taxi driver. He sets the satnav to our final destination and we do well to follow His directions. He is the Captain of our Salvation and will bring us to the home He has prepared for those He has called to live in peace and joy with Him. Some jump ship when disaster strikes.

The world teaches us we are due the reward and home we deserve as we steer our little barks as worthy citizens of our age, deserving only the best.

Little do we realise we are captive slaves of a cruel master who thrives on our destruction, drunk on the blood of his victims.

Only in Christ are we safe from this cruel world's certain fate.

Sunday, 14 June 2015


The world can stop us talking about Jesus, our God of salvation, but it can never stop us being Him.

Thursday, 4 June 2015


The healing and the restoration of the earth is mediated by the lives of many 'slain lambs' in the image of their Shepherd. Jealousy causes the blood of many of them to be spilt as was Abel's. The theme runs from Genesis to Revelation but they will all be vindicated at last and the meek will inherit the earth.

Jesus promises we will find rest for our souls when we are yoked in service with Him, the true meek and lowly Servant of His Father. Not fighting for our rights, recognition or approval is to live in true freedom from men and circumstances.

Revelation 4 vs 6.