Saturday 16 April 2016


Loved into being before time by my heavenly Father, redeemed by the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, promised to His Son, sealed by the gift of the Holy Spirit and bound for my Father's home.

'Those whom He has foreknown.......' Paul's letter of assurance to God's people in Rome.

The words that changed my life forever in October 1973. You put a ring of eternal love on my finger a few days before my earthly betrothal. Little did I know the measure of the testing of that love for forty years. Mine wavered, His never did. I, too, have been able to say 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'.

March 2016 I have had a foretaste of that glory and a sight of my future home on Mt Zion, Jerusalem.

Our bridegroom is coming sooner than we think. We hear His footstep at the door. The wise virgins' lamps are filled and trimmed, our task to call home the remnant of His people and restore His kingdom on earth.

The foolish ones sleep on, unwilling to be roused. Taken up with 'selfies', engrossed in themselves, they will rush forth and seek Him in vain when the marriage feast begins. We are warned not to heed their anxious cries for a share in our oil lest we loose our crowns.

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