Saturday 21 May 2016


Since God is the One in whom we all live and move and have our being, whether we recognise Him or not, without Him nothing can exist, cohere or adhere together. This being so, some walk in love with Him, others continually at war with Him.

As His children we have His image growing in us and so we walk reflecting ever more conspicuously, His glory.

In so doing, this weight of glory will hasten the coming of His Kingdom on earth by our words, deeds and even our smiles, or it will hasten the descent of others into hell.

No moment of our time and God's is ever wasted. That is why we have to redeem it for Him. In so doing we are preparing our eternal weight of glory, the clothing we will wear at our wedding feast with the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.

Each day this feast is drawing nearer. Live in the dawning light of that truth.

Paul encouraged believers with these words in his second letter to the Corinthians found in chapter 4.

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